The cooking companion prototype was created using AngularJS. It is available
both as a web application and as an Android application. The apk file for
the Android application is available here.
The web application is available by clicking the button below.
Launch Prototype
Using Cooking Companion Prototype
Sign Up
To start using Cooking Companion, the first step is to create an account.
To do this, click on the "Sign up now" link at the bottom of the welcome screen.
You should be taken to a form that will ask for information about you, your
kitchen, and your food preferences. The only required fields are your username
and password. After creating an account, you will be taken to the home screen,
where there are buttons for the available features. When using these features,
you can return to the home screen at any time by clicking the home icon
in the top right corner of the screen.
To search for a recipe, click on the "Search" button on the home screen.
This will show the "Search" screen. There are only
a handful of recipes included in Cooking Companion at this time, so We
recommend that you search for "rigatoni" or "banana cake". Start a search
by typing in the search box at the top of the screen.
You can filter results
by "rating", "reviews" and "time". To show only recipes with a rating greater
than 3 stars and cook time less than 45 minutes, enter "rating>3 && time<45"
in the filter box.
For each recipe returned in the search results, you can choose to add the
recipe to your calendar, cook it now adjusted for the size of your family,
or cook it now according to the original recipe. Any recipe can be added
to your calendar, but due to time constraints, only "Baked Rigatoni" and
"Banana Cake X" have actual instructions for cooking.
To view your cooking calendar, click on the "Planner" button on the
home screen. This will display a calendar. Touch a day on the calendar
to select it. A should appear at the bottom of the screen to "Edit Events"
Clicking this button will show details for the selected day. Note that
to select a date, you must click on empty space in a calendar cell and
not on any events within the cell.
After clicking "Edit Events", you will see a list of recipes and notes
for the selected day. To add a note, click "add new note" and type
a note in the text box. To add a recipe, click "add recipe". You will
be taken to the recipe search screen. Once you search and find the recipe
you want to cook, click "add to calendar". The name of the recipe will now
show in the list of recipes for the current day. Click "Save" to save and
return to the calendar display.
Shopping List
After recipes have been added to your calendar, you can view a shopping
list of required ingredients by clicking the "Shopping List" button on
the home screen. By default the shopping list shows all ingredients
for recipes within the next five days. If you want to change this,
for example to show only recipes for today and tomorrow, you can click
the calendar icon and select the last day that you want to shop for.
Items in the shopping list are organized by the section of the grocery
store that they are most likely found in. To remove items from the
shopping list, click the "X" icon next to the item to remove. Items
can be checked off the list while shopping by clicking the checkbox
next to the item.
The recipe upload is not fully functional, but a demonstration of what
it should do can be found by clicking the "Upload" button on the home screen.
The upload screen shows a static image of a recipe from a magazine, simulating
what the user would see when trying to capture an image of a magazine using
the camera phone. When a user clicked the camera button, this recipe would
be loaded into the recipe database using optical character recognition. The
user would then have the option to add the new recipe to favorites, add
it to the calendar, or cook it now.
Users can update their personal profile, kitchen settings, or preferences
at any time by clicking the "Settings" button on the home screen.