Final-Exam Information for CSE P505

Autumn 2016

Our last graded item in P505 will be a take-home exam. On this page, we try to give all the information we can think to give about the exam, both to be clear about expectations and to try to reduce stress and fair on your part (acknowledging that it may have been a long time since you have taken an exam and that eliminating stress and fair may be unachievable).

Let us know what other questions you have and we will edit this page and/or post on the discussion board and/or email the class-list.

What to Expect and Advice



We got a little creative with how to enforce the 5-hour limit....



Sorry for this page getting so long, but it seems better to write everything down in one place. As stated at the outset, the goal is for you to study all the great stuff we learned all quarter and then do a challenging-but-fair exam to the best of your ability. Exams are inherently difficult, but also a uniquely effective way to complete a course.

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