From: Gidon Shavit (
Date: Fri Mar 12 2004 - 12:39:45 PST
Hi all,
As you've heard numerous times already, prospective visit day is upon us
(this Tuesday/Wednesday!), and we need to prepare a presentation for the
group. After consulting with some of you, I would like to suggest the
following format:
- Each faculty (Richard, Larry, Martin, Anna, Paul, Venkat) will talk for
about 5-10 minutes about their work in very general terms, their approach
to advising, what they look for in a student, and what exciting things
they can offer students to do. Basically - sell yourselves!
This should be limited to about half the time - 40-45 minutes.
- 3-4 current grads will make short (<10min) presentations about their
favorite project. We probably want to talk about the theory-night work as
well. These talks should not be overly technical; it's more important in
my opinion to try to show what it's like to be working on the project, and
what makes it exciting/important/fun.
Any volunteers?
Does that sound good? I don't think it should require too much work from
any one person, but we should try to have a good picture of who and what
by early Monday afternoon, so we can coordinate.
Please respond ASAP!
Theory-group mailing list
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