CSE 576: Image Understanding

Autumn 1998

Instructor: Linda Shapiro
TA: Doug Zongker

Course Software: ipeg output format

The output file produced by ipeg looks like the output of fex and lpeg: a number of sections, each starting with text tag and containing zero or more description lines.

ipeg passes through all the objects it is input (the ones produced by fex and the ones produced by lpeg), as well as adding the following groupings:


triples of segments which form barends or Zs.

int triplet ID
int segment 1 ID
int segment 2 ID
int segment 3 ID
float start point column
float start point row
float end point column
float end point row
float junction 1 column
float junction 1 row
float junction 2 column
float junction 2 row
float total length of segments
float total length of triplets including gaps
float quality



triples of segments which form Y or TLambda corners.

int triplet ID
int segment 1 ID
int segment 2 ID
int segment 3 ID
float center point column
float center point row
float radius
float quality


sequences of segments that form closed polygons. The number of fields on description lines of this type is variable.

int number of segments
int segment 1 ID
int ...
int segment n ID
int number of junctions
float junction 1 column
float junction 1 row
float ...
float ...
float junction n column
float junction n row
float quality