CSE 576: Image Understanding

Autumn 1998

Instructor: Linda Shapiro
TA: Doug Zongker

Course Software: fex output format

The output file produced by fex looks like this:

#<image cols> <image rows>
zero or more line descriptions
one or more circular arc descriptions
If there are no circular arcs detected, the whole section (including the comment lines) will be missing.

A line description is a single line with 13 numbers:

int line ID
int string ID (see chainpix output format)
float start point column
float start point row
float end point column
float end point row
float midpoint column
float midpoint row
float length
float variance in length parallel to direction of line
float variance in length perpendicular to direction of line
float orientation of line (0 <= theta < pi)
float variance in orientation

A circular arc description is a single line with 20 numbers:

int arc ID
int string ID (see chainpix output format)
int direction (-1 = clockwise, 1 = anticlockwise)
float origin column
float origin row
float start point column
float start point row
float midpoint column
float midpoint row
float endpoint column
float endpoint row
float midpoint of line joining endpoints column
float midpoint of line joining endpoints row
float radius
float length
float variance of length in parallel direction
float variance of length in perpendicular direction
float width (distance between endpoints of arc)
float height (distance between midpoint of line joining endpoints and midpoint of arc)
float orientation of line joining origin to midpoint