CSE 576: Image Understanding

Autumn 1998

Instructor: Linda Shapiro
TA: Doug Zongker

Course Software: lpeg output format

The output file produced by lpeg looks like the output of fex: a number of sections, each starting with text tag and containing zero or more description lines.

lpeg passes through the lines and circular arcs it is input, plus it adds the following groupings:




pairs of lines which are parallel and overlapping, parallel and nonoverlapping, or collinear.

int line 1 ID
int line 2 ID
float vline start point column
float vline start point row
float vline end point column
float vline end point row
float vline length
float vline orientation
float width/height
float quality of overlap





pairs of lines which form L, V, T, or lambda junctions. "jp" refers to the junction point.

int line 1 ID
int line 2 ID
int which line(s) jp is on (0 = neither, 3 = both)
int 0: jp closer to line 1 start, 1: jp closer to line 1 end
int 0: jp closer to line 2 start, 1: jp closer to line 2 end
float jp column
float jp row
float quality of junction