In Winter quarter 2006, CSE 574 is
focussed on Intelligent User Interfaces; the instructor is Dan Weld.
Setting: Class will meet Wed & Fri 3:00-4:20pm in EE1-025
Objectives: We will attempt to synthesize a coherent picture of
this rapidly growing field, identifying important problems for
research. We'll consider how each paper impacts the field as observed from
three different views:
- What are the set of interface-rich applications where AI techniques
can be usefully applied? Graphical layout, personal-information
management, shopping assistance, interrupt and task prioritization, mobile
interfaces are some popular applications we'll discuss.
- Which AI techniques are most useful when improving interfaces?
Machine learning, classification, clustering, dimensionality
reduction, probabalistic methods, decision theory, and
optimization are some of the answers we'll consider.
- What are the fundamental issues that govern the area and what are
the open problems? We'll have to answer this ourselves during the
class, but one possible answer is the fundamental tension between the human
desire to control and predict the behavior of an interface and the opportunity
to delegate control to a complex (hence possible unpredicatble and
fallible) algorithm.
Details: Everyone attending is expected to read the papers assigned for
each class, to prepare and submit a brief writeup. Those taking the
class for credit should also plan on a project.
If you wish to take the class for credit but have already taken 574 once
before, this is not a problem - just talk to Dan.
Email list: Subscribe here.
Post by mailing to cse574
at the obvious host name.
Archive is here.
News: Project proposals due 1/20 (unless you've gotten an
extension). Details on the project page.