Probabilistic Graphplan Framework - review

From: Tal Shaked (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 22:49:21 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin Sikorski: "Probabilistic Graphplan"

    Probabilistic Planning in the Graphplan Framework – A. Blum and J. Langford

    This paper explores extending Graphplan by creating PGraphplan and
    TGraphplan, which are planners (the first being optimal, the second being
    faster) for solving probabilistic planning problems where the solution is a
    contingent plan with the highest probability of success over some number of

    PGraphplan works by adding two types of heuristics and then doing a forward
    chaining search to compute a complete contingent plan. One heuristic
    involves calculating needed nodes which results in early detection of
    unreachable goals and propagating pairwise needed nodes where one
    proposition depends on another to achieve some goal. A second heuristic
    involves propagating backwards the value of the goal through actions and
    propositions in such a way that some state can be immediately eliminated if
    it does not sum to some minimum amount (this is legal, but may over-estimate
    due to double-counting). Forward chaining is chosen to get around the
    problem of dealing with goal sets that might make bottom-up dynamic
    programming tricky.

    TGraphplan runs at approximately the speed of Graphplan and only computes an
    optimal trajectory and then is recursively called on other possibilities.
    In this way it is fast but may not as a whole find the best solution since
    it does not exhaustively explore the branching search space (it is greedy).

    The experiments section is unclear. The tables show times, states, and
    plans, but what about how close to optimal the plan is? How does one
    compare a sub-optimal plan to an optimal one? Graphplan is mentioned, but I
    did not see it anywhere in the tables.

    It is not clear how much of the search space is expanded by relaxing the
    mutexes for TGraphplan as described. This could have been tested.
    Generally specific examples could have been constructed to test the
    assumptions of the heuristics and relaxations to get a better idea of their

    It would be interesting to get a better idea of how effect the two
    heuristics for PGraphplan were. These can expand to other planning domains.
    More work can be done about looking at what it means to be sub-optimal in
    terms of TGraphplan. As described in the hvalue section, this heuristic
    seems interesting and more can be explored in how to distribute the values
    as well as the order in examining actions.

  • Next message: Kevin Sikorski: "Probabilistic Graphplan"

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