Probabilistic Graphplan Review

From: Stanley Kok (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 17:57:30 PDT

  • Next message: Tal Shaked: "Probabilistic Graphplan Framework - review"

    Paper Title: Probabilistic Planning in the Graphplan Framework
    Authors: Avrim L. Blum and John C. Langford

    One-line summary:
    This paper presents probabilistic extensions of Graphplan viz.
    PGraphplan and TGraphplan.

    Most Important Ideas in the Paper:
    1. The heuristic of value propagation. It seems that this
    heuristic can be extended to any graph representation of a planning
    problem with a payoff at the goal.

    2. The heuristic of "neededness". This heuristic for forward search
    mirrors the mutex heuristic of regression search.

    Flaw in the Paper:
    1. The paper does not conclusively show how much each heuristic
    (value propagation and neededness) contribute to the performance
    of PGraphplan. It merely claims in the Discussion section, that
    value propagation has a more pronounced contribution.

    2. The paper states that PGraphplan is _generally_ slower than
    Graphplan (presumably on deterministic problems). However, it
    does not provide any emprical results nor state when PGraphplan
    is faster.

    Important, open research questions:
    1. Could value propagation be used as a heuristic for vanilla
    Graphplan? If so, Would the cost of computing the heuristic be offset
    by the reduction in solution times?

    2. Why does the computationally less intensive TGraphplan perform
    worse than PGraphplan on the Moat and Castle and 8-puzzle problems?

  • Next message: Tal Shaked: "Probabilistic Graphplan Framework - review"

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