Probabilistic Graphplan

From: Kevin Sikorski (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 23:51:44 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Yates: "PGraphplan"

    This paper augments graphplan to support probabilistic MDPs, resulting in
    two planners: PGraphplan, which is slower than vanilla Graphplan but finds
    optimal policies, and TGraphplan, which is faster, but has no optimality

    The authors use a few nice little tricks to prune the search space in
    PGraphplan. First, they perform a backward sweep over the graph, removing
    nodes that do not lie on any paths to the goals. This prunes the
    searchspace, and is a major step toward making forward-chaining feasible.
    They also annotate each node with a vector indicating which goal literals
    are reachible from that node. This allows PGraphplan to determine, at any
    particular state, if it is impossible to accomplish the goal.

    The planners were tested on only four domains: Castle-Moat, 8-puzzle,
    Flat-tire, and blocksworld. I would have liked to see a few more domains.
    Also, how do PGraphplan and TGraphplan perform on deterministic MDPs
    compared to classic Graphplan? Another interesting measurement would be
    to see how these planners perform in probabilistic non-Markovian domain.
    Clearly, the answer is "poorly", but perhaps one will work better than the

    The authors admit that TGraphplan still relies on Graphplan's concept of
    exclusive operators. They also mention the idea of exclusive outcomes,
    but do not develop it. Such a refinement to the planner's mutexes may
    help prune searchspace, and improve execution speed.

  • Next message: Alexander Yates: "PGraphplan"

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