Puccini Review

From: Stanley Kok (koks_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Fri May 16 2003 - 10:34:00 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin Sikorski: "Look before you Leap"

    Paper Title: Leap Before You Look: Information Gathering in the PUCCINI
    Author: Keith Golden

    One Sentence Summary:
    This paper shows how partial-order planning can be improved by
    adding actions with unknown secondary preconditions to a plan and
    verifying the preconditions after the action's execution.

    Most Important Idea(s) in the Paper:
    1. Secondary preconditions are descriptive and not prescriptive.
    Therefore, they can be verified after their associated action is
    executed. This removes ordering constraints imposed by the
    preconditions and increases the number of admissible plans.

    Flaw(s) in the Paper:
    1. Since the comparison between VL and ~VL is unfair, the ~VL column
    in Table 1 should be removed (since they have no informational value),
    and be replaced with the XII columns in Table 1.

    2. The paper does not state how many runs of the experiments are
    performed. If there is only run, it is unclear how conclusive the
    results are since the performances of VL and NO are close. If there
    are more runs, the paper could have stated the standard deviations
    to better compare the performances.

    Important, Open Research Question(s):
    1. How can the idea of verifying secondary preconditions after the
    execution of their action be extended to probabilistic planning?

    2. How can the idea be enmeshed with interleave planning and execution?

  • Next message: Kevin Sikorski: "Look before you Leap"

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