Look before you Leap

From: Kevin Sikorski (kws_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Fri May 16 2003 - 11:28:16 PDT

  • Next message: Nan Li: "PUCCINI review"

    Leap Before You Look
    Keith Golden

    The author presents a partial order planner that uses verification links
    and secondary preconditions for handling incomplete information.

    I think the biggest contribution from this paper is the ability of the
    planner to assume information it does not have, and then later verify that
    this information was true via verification links. This has the potential
    to vastly increase the search space - you still have to decide what you
    are going to assume is true, and then plan how to determine the truth or
    falshood of that assertion. However, it does provide a powerful technique
    for planning with incomplete information.

    The concept of secondary preconditions is also innovative, and is a
    prerequisite for the use of verification links. Generally, the planner
    assumes that a secondary precondition is true, and verifies it later.

    One interesting facet of the experimental results is the runtimes of the
    VL version versus that of the NO version. It is unclear which is faster
    in general. Some extra discussion of the problems where NO was faster
    would be nice - it may be that there is a clear division of the problems
    where NO is faster. If so, then this division could be exploited. Of
    course, one would have to be careful, because NO doesn't always solve the
    problem when VL does. It really bothers me that restricing where the
    producer of a verification link is located can improve the runtime of the

    I wonder if it is possible to add some simple heurisitic for deciding
    which secondary preconditions are best to assume true first. That is, if
    we can prove that a precondition must be false, then we shouldn't waste
    any time deciding the truth value of any related precondition. I'm sure
    that the best heuristics would be domain-specific, but there may be a
    simple, general approach that might work, similar to that of HSPr.

    I also like the fact that the author mentions that interleaved planning
    and execution could be applied to the planner. If we can identify a set
    of preconditions that we want to be true, we can find a subplan that will
    allow the agent to observe their truth-values, and then execute that
    subplan. Then, we can plan again, from our current position in the state
    space to the goal, now that we have more, and more useful, information.
    This would likely be preferable to finding a long plan from the start, and
    then building contingencies to handle cases where the secondary
    preconditions were not all true.

  • Next message: Nan Li: "PUCCINI review"

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