leap fall look hope!

From: Tal Shaked (tshaked_at_u.washington.edu)
Date: Fri May 16 2003 - 00:07:00 PDT

  • Next message: Stanley Kok: "Puccini Review"

    Leap Before You Look: Information Gathering in the PUCCINI planner – Golden

    This paper discusses how to soundly reason about actions that have
    conditional effects (which may or may not be known to be satisfied at
    plan/execution time) in the framework of a partial order planner by
    introducing the idea of verification links.

    Actions have preconditions that must be satisfied for an action to be
    applicable at a certain state, as well as conditional effects which have
    causes if certain conditions (secondary conditions) are satisfied. There
    are cases when an action is applied and it is unknown if the secondary
    conditions are met. Later in the plan these secondary conditions may become
    known and therefore the effects (which at the time of execution were
    unknown) may be inferred and used as conditions for goals or other actions.
    Verification links represent these dependencies and protect the conditions.
    Specifically an action that produces a secondary condition can occur before
    the action that uses it (in which case the agent immediately can reason
    about the conditional effect), be the action itself, or occur after the
    action that uses it which is the more interesting (and complicated) case.

    Although this adds extra complexity to the search space since the planner
    has more ordering options, it provides more possibilities and therefore can
    achieve a larger set goals (and conceivably more quickly with the extra
    flexibility). Furthermore, empirical results seem to indicate that the
    extra complexity does not make any significant difference in computation

    One problem with just about every paper that talks about Puccini is that it
    is unclear how the ideas fit in a planner that interleaves planning with
    execution. Verification links can connect with sensing actions so even
    though a plan can be sound after being fully executed, there are
    contingencies along the way that complicate the matter, and more discussion
    of how this mixes with execution might help.

    Related to the above, I believe there is room to improve how an agent
    decides when to execute a partial (or complete branch of a) contingent plan
    (perhaps up to a verification link), and when to continue planning, looking
    for a ‘better’ solution. No heuristics were discussed in how to deal with
    verification links such as where to place the actions (perhaps trying to
    keep them close to the related action), or when to choose them from the set
    of flaws, but these may be quite useful.

  • Next message: Stanley Kok: "Puccini Review"

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