leap before you look - review

From: Parag (parag_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Thu May 15 2003 - 21:19:48 PDT

  • Next message: Tal Shaked: "leap fall look hope!"

    Leap Before You Look : Information Gathering in the PUCCINI planner

    Keith Golden

    The paper describes the problem faced by classical planners when
    an agent may not have sufficient information to execute an action
    which would probably lead to a perfectly valid plan and proposes
    a way to solve this problem.

    The main ideas in the paper are:

    1. Why it might be important to execute an action even when
    the an agent does not have sufficient information to be
    sure about the outcome of the action.

    2. Formalize the above problem, and give a solution in terms
    of what the author rightly coins as "verification" links. The
    idea is to execute an action assuming certain conditions and
    then verify them later.

    3. How simply the standard partial order planners could be
    modified to incorporate the idea of verification links.

    I have one question regarding the approach the author takes.
    In the experimental section, the author says that SADL
    encoding makes it necessary to use verification links
    for certain problems, whereas they could be solved without
    using the verification links in some different encodings.
    Is it that the encoding itself makes the use of
    some kind of verification links unavoidable. In other words,
    given a specific domain, is it the case that one could always
    come up with encodings where one won't need the verification
    links at all. Or there are problems where no matter what encoding
    scheme you use, you have to use the idea of verification links to get
    a valid plan.

    An interesting direction of further research would be
    to see if the idea of verification links could be useful
    in domains other than the softbot world. Also, as the author
    suggests, one could look at how to combine some of the ideas
    from contingency planning to solve above problem.

  • Next message: Tal Shaked: "leap fall look hope!"

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