From: MAUSAM (mausam_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 09:59:38 PDT

  • Next message: Stanley Kok: "Review of Incremental Contingency Planning Paper"

    Incremental contingency planning

    This paper tries to solve a fairly general planning problem involving
    continuous resources, durative actions, continuous outcomes, plan
    utilities etc.

    As we know, a general planning problem like this is extremely hard to
    solve. Kudos to the authors to have actually taken up such a problem. In
    the paper, they present an algorithm called Incremental Contingency
    Planning, in which they start with a seed plan, find contingency branches
    in that plan but not everywhere. They find places, whereby adding
    branches would yield a higher expected utility function. They add branches
    there. So on the whole, the algorithm runs in three steps : start with a
    seed plan, evaluate the value of plan and estimate the value of branch,
    and add branches where estimated values of branches are high.

    They use planning graph scenario, however, one would have expected that
    there will be probabilities somewhere, much like Pgraphplan. It is unclear
    if they are handling the deterministic case, or there are probabilities
    implicit in the discussion, or did I miss something.

    The motivation of the problem is good, however, it still eludes me as to
    how this solution will cater to all the difficulties they have mentioned,
    like continuous outcomes, durative actions etc. I don't understand where
    this solution handles continuous outcomes (for example).

    Some parts of the paper are tersely written, which make it a little harder
    to understand. I got quite confused in the discussion of utility
    propagation. It would have been nicer had they given some theorems about
    soundness of their method.

    This seems like initial attempts towards solving a hard problem, so it
    will be unfair to criticize the authors about results, but they actually
    don't show any experiments. It had been nicer, had they at least done some
    experimental work to just keep verifying that they are on the right track.

  • Next message: Stanley Kok: "Review of Incremental Contingency Planning Paper"

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