Review of Incremental Contingency Planning Paper

From: Stanley Kok (
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 10:43:19 PDT

  • Next message: Christophe Bisciglia: "Incremental Contingency Planning (JIC)"

    Paper Title: Incremental Contingency Planning
    Authors: Richard Dearden, Nicolas Meuleau, Sailesh Ramakrishnan,
          David E Smith, Rich Washington

    One-line summary:
    This paper presents a way of constructing contingency plans that allow the
    sources of uncertainty to be continuous (e.g. time/resources) and addresses
    the challenge of figuring out where to best insert contingency branches.

    Most Important Ideas in the Paper:
    1. Growing a seed plan from which contingent branches can be added based
    on maximum expected utility at branch points.

    2. Back-propagating utility tables (factoring in conjunctive precondictions
    and effects) through the plan graph as an estimate of branch utility.

    Flaw in the Paper:
    1. No experimental results to evaluate the efficacy of the paper's approach.

    Important, open research questions:
    1. Could mutex conditions be added during graph construction to reduce the
    search space?

    2. Could the approach be extended to handle uncertainty in sensory info?

  • Next message: Christophe Bisciglia: "Incremental Contingency Planning (JIC)"

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