Incremental Contingency Planning

From: Kevin Sikorski (
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 00:01:09 PDT

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    Incremental Contingency Planning
    Richard Dearden, Nicolas Meuleau, Sailesh Ramakrishnan, David E. Smith,
    Rich Washington

    This paper provides a method for identifying the places in a plan where
    providing contingency plans provides the most expected utility.

    The authors used the example of a Mars rover to show that no matter how
    good your planner is, there is always the possibility that your initial
    plan fails, either due to impassible terrain, or damage to the rover, or
    some other condition. In this case, it is much more efficient to have
    contingency plans on the rover itself, than to wait for the next
    communication window for mission control to provide them directly. This
    paper provides a method to "efficiently" decide where such contingency
    plans should be placed to maximize the expected utility in the event of
    such a failure. Where in the plan these contingency branches should be
    located is identified by backpropgating tables of expected rewards and
    preconditions through the plan graph.

    The authors did a good job of identifying future research directions and
    listing the assumptions that the algorithm relies on. Future research
    extensions included handling noise in sensor information, propagating full
    distributions through the plan graph rather than just scalars, and
    allowing mutex relations in the plan graph.

    What is the worst-case for this algorithm? Because we have to copy tables
    in cases where an action has multiple pre-conditions, I can see us having
    many table entries (about O(|states|*|properties|)) in a sufficiently
    convoluted problem. Then again, since we are regressing, we aren't likely
    to visit all states. A related question is how often do these worst-case
    problems appear in real-life rover planning problems? I would expect them
    to be pretty rare. And seeing some graphs of how this performs in even a
    toy domain would be nice - there were absolutely no performance numbers at
    all here.

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