Graph Plan Review

From: Parag (
Date: Fri Apr 04 2003 - 13:07:18 PST

  • Next message: Nan Li: "Graphplan review"

    Paper Title: Fast Planning Through Planning Graph Analysis
    Authors: Avrim L. Blum and Merrick L. Furst

    The paper introuduces a new planning paradigm which uses
    an intermediate structure Planning Graph for exploiting the
    constraints inherent in the problem for fast planning in STRIPS
    like domains.

    The paper introduces a novel algorithm for fast planning in STRIPS like
    domains. The algorithm inherits some of the interesting ideas
    from the standard total order and partial order planners. But it also
    significanly differs from them in the sense that it constructs
    a planning graph to exploit the inherent constraints in the problem
    thereby reducing the search space by a significant amount. More specifically,
    the algorithm identifies the mutual exclusion relation among the nodes
    of the graph, thereby helping to reduce the search for a plan drastically
    in many cases. Also, it is proved that the size of the planning graph itself
    is polynomial in the size of the problem description and the number of time
    steps thereby making the algorithm quite attractive for fast planning.

    Second important feature is the completeness of the algorithm. In the cases,
    where there exists no valid plan, the algorithm is guaranteed to stop
    and detect failure to construct a plan thereby avoiding infinite search.

    One of the limitations of the paper, in my opinion, is a lack for formal framework
    for precisely identifying the kind of problems where the algorithm is guaranteed to
    perform efficiently and others where it is not. The authors mention that for the
    algorithm to perform well, it requires that either the pairwise mutual exclusion
    relations capture the inherent constraints or there is significant scope for parallel
    search. They also give mention a case - TSP, where none of these hold. What I would
    have expected here is some kind of formal categorization of such problems for which
    the technique does not perform that well.

    An interesting direction for future research would be examine how one could
    use these ideas to fast planning in domains less restrictive than STRIPS
    for example domains where the effects of the actions can not be determined

  • Next message: Nan Li: "Graphplan review"

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