Review of GraphPlan Paper

From: Alexander Yates (
Date: Fri Apr 04 2003 - 12:46:14 PST

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    Review of "Fast Planning Through Planning Graph Analysis" by Avrim Blum and
    Merrick Furst.

     This paper describes a way to break the planning problem into two stages,
    one that builds a graph representation of the problem and another that
    searches the graph for a subgraph that connects the initial conditions to
    the goal conditions without violating certain constraints. The graphical
    representation and the dissection of the problem into two subproblems lead
    to good empirical performance and a variety of innovative techniques that
    appear intuitive in light of the new graphical representation.

    I think the two most important ideas in the paper are the idea of the
    Planning Graph as a representation for the planning problem and the use of
    mutual exclusion constraints. The use of planning graphs led to the idea of
    finding and propagating mutual exclusion constraints because those
    constraints fit intuitively in the graph as edges between nodes. So the use
    of planning graphs was important not just for dividing the planning problem
    into subproblems, but also for inspiration in coming up with helpful
    constraints on the search phase. The mutual exclusion constraints are
    important for the speedup they provide in the search phase, with only a
    small hit to performance in the construction of the planning graph. Another
    important idea was the flexibility to allow parallel actions in the plan,
    thus potentially making successful plans much shorter and easier to find.
    This idea appeared earlier in partial-order planners, though.

    I was a little disappointed by the experimental results section because I
    didn't think the comparisons were fair enough to warrant making any
    conclusions. As the paper says, GraphPlan was implemented in a faster
    language than the other planners, and since all of the curves in their plots
    looked roughly exponential, it is conceivable that the entire difference in
    performance was just due to some constants resulting from different
    languages (except on the Fixit problem). The paper reported other measure
    of performance, like the number of actions and goal sets considered, but
    they did not or could not report comparable statistics for the other
    planners, so they did not mean very much to me.

    The authors suggested a number of open research directions that sounded
    interesting and important to me, including learning for speedup and symmetry
    detection. One that they didn't mention was the use of 3-ary or 4-ary or
    higher-ary mutual exclusion constraints to capture more of the domain
    constraints in the graph construction phase. These higher-ary constraints
    do not fit very naturally into a graph representation, since edges are
    inherently binary, but it's possible to "propositionalize" the graph and
    include higher arity relations. It might be interesting to see if the use
    of these higher arity constraints manage to provide any speedup for
    difficult problems.

    Alex Yates

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