Graphplan review

From: Nan Li (
Date: Fri Apr 04 2003 - 13:20:55 PST

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    Fast Planning Through Planning Graph Analysis/A. Blum, M. Furst

    This paper describes a smart approach to planning in STRIPS-like domains.
    It has combined advantages of both total-order planners and partial-order
    planners at that time: it generates partial-order plans, yet the
    well-defined structure grants its ability to search more efficiently, and
    more importantly, halt.

    Graphplan basically does a forward breadth-first search. The breadth-first
    manner search allows the planner to make strong commitments in the search
    yet still generate partial-order plans. To break through the inefficiency
    of breadth-first search, the authors come up with a strategy of
    maintaining a local harmony, by marking and excluding "mutually exclusive"
    actions. Any two mutually exclusive actions can never occur at the same
    step in a partial order. Even more, the authors define and mark "mutually
    exclusive" propositions, further narrowing down candidates at each step of
    the breadth-first search.

    Another important concept of this paper is, the planning graph is not a
    state-space graph, neither a plan-space graph. Rather, it records and
    shows how much the work has been done. After each iteration, the graph
    records the information of what can be done and what can not so far. Note
    that at the proposition level, not the state of world after actions is
    written down, but the changes. The add/delete-effects and the original
    state, together with mutually exclusive marks, can implicitly represent
    all possible states of the world after actions taken, and save a lot of
    time and space. Of course, to check whether the goal states have been
    achieved is not so direct as in a state-space graph, but as shown in the
    paper, a backward-chaining search can do it without much cost, because the
    number of steps is fixed.

    As mentioned above, the "mutually exclusive actions" concept is a very
    important factor of the planner's success. However, the authors seem not
    to offer enough details about how to build all exclusive relations among
    actions. About the paper itself, the whole picture might be clearer if the
    authors give a pseudo-code algorithm.

    I don't think there is much work to do in non-STRIPS domains based on this
    algorithm. In STRIPS-like domains, the "mutually exclusive" definition can
    be dug deeper for situations like conditional-effects, resources


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