
From: Christophe Bisciglia (
Date: Fri Apr 04 2003 - 12:21:00 PST

  • Next message: Alexander Yates: "Review of GraphPlan Paper"

    Blum/Furst, Fast Planning through Graph Analysis

    This paper descripes an efficient means of finding plans in STRIPS domains
    by using a plan graph.

    Using mutual mutual exclusion relationships to speed up search. GraphPlan
    is prevented from searching through an impoosile are of the search space
    by flagging nodes (either action or proposition) as mutually exclusive
    from one another (either by inference of competing needs), and not using
    them to produce the next level of the graph. It is mentioned in the paper
    that this process is not perfect, as corectly labeling all nodes could be
    as hard as finding a plan. Nevertheless, a large potion of such nodes are
    found, hence greatly reducing the search space. The way that these mutex
    relationships manage to greatly reduce the search space comes form how the
    plan graph is built. The graph is built level by level. Without
    considering the mutex relationships, there are many possible actions that
    can come from any given set of propositions; this would cause the graph to
    grow exponentially, however, GraphPlan prevent this by notice that two
    propositions for a given action may be mutually exclusive, and not adding
    that action.

    Another intersting idea is how the algorithm uses backward chaining to
    find the minimal set of actions to produce any goal. This continues until
    either a valid plan is found, or the pre-conditions are mutually
    exclusive, in which case it goes forward and tries a different path.

    What strikes me as a potnetial problem with this paper is its reliance on
    detection of mutex relationships, combined with the statement to the
    effect of "GraphPlan *usually* does a *pretty good* job of detecting
    *most* such relationships." I'm no expert on this, but it seems to me from
    what I've read that in those cases that GraphPlan does a particualarly bad
    job of detecting realtionships, GraphPlan would perform just as bad as a
    state space search.

    I would be very curious to discuss how you could take the ideas from
    GraphPlan and apply the to problems outside the STRIPS domain, or with not
    discrete actions.

  • Next message: Alexander Yates: "Review of GraphPlan Paper"

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