Review : GraphPlan (fwd)

From: Sumit Sanghai (
Date: Fri Apr 04 2003 - 12:01:37 PST

  • Next message: Christophe Bisciglia: "GraphPlan"

    Fast Planning Through Planning Graph Analysis

    --- Avrim Blum and Merrick Furst

    Summary :

    The paper presents a new algorithm to solve planning problems through the
    construction of a plan graph and doing backward chaining on it.


    In my opininon, two of the most important ideas presented are the concept
    of a planning graph and the mutex relationships between action pairs and
    propositions pairs. The graph represents the possible actions and
    propositions at each level which can hold. In addition, there is a
    ploynomial algorithm which computes this graph alongwith the mutex
    relationships (which can be thought of as representing the constraints of
    the system). In addition, the algorithm uses parallelization of plans,
    uses backward chaining, finds the minimal action set which produces the
    goals at each level, is independent of goal ordering, guarantees
    termination and is sound and complete.


    Although this is due to the lack of any other significant ideas,
    theauthors mention that the algorithm performs badly if the mutex
    relationships are only minimal and do not capture the constraints.
    The problem of computing mutex relationships is mentioned to be NP-hard
    but still the fact that once a pair of prositions are not mutually
    exclusive at a level, they cannot be mutex at any further lvele seems to
    be annoying. Also, there is a tradeoff between producing a larger set of
    goals to be satisfied at the previous level and choosing the minimal
    action set. It is not clear which direction should be taken depending upon
    the graph.

    Future Work :

    There is a scope for a lot of future work such as improving the way in
    which mutex relationships are generated, learning to apply the results
    of doing analysis on one graph in similar situations, douing two-way
    searches, and using other algorithm such as max-flow.

  • Next message: Christophe Bisciglia: "GraphPlan"

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