Review of "A Digital Fountain Approach to Reliable Distribution of Bulk Data"

From: Seth Cooper (
Date: Mon Oct 11 2004 - 00:18:03 PDT

  • Next message: Pravin Bhat: "Review3-PravinBhat"

            The purpose of this paper is to present a protocol for a "digital
    fountain," which is an effective way to perform multicast. A digital
    fountain is essentially a server multicasting packets in such a way that
    clients can join the limit cast, receive an amount of data equal to the
    size of the file they are trying to receive, and then reconstruct the
    file, similar to how someone The design of the protocol seeks to be
    reliable, efficient, on demand, and tolerant. The paper proposes using
    Tornado codes instead of the traditional Reed-Solomon codes the encode
    the broadcast data.
            The main strength of the proposed protocol is the strength of Tornado
    codes over the Reed-Solomon codes: Tornado codes are much faster to
    encode and decode. Even though Tornado codes require receiving slightly
    more packets than Reed-Solomon, the time lost in packet transmission is
    more than made up for by the decrease in decoding time at the receiver.
      The paper presents some benchmarks showing that for large files, the
    decoding time for a client receiving Reed-Solomon encoded packets can
    become prohibitively expensive. One of the reasons for this is that
    Tornado codes rely only on exclusive ors, while Reed-Solomon codes
    depend on field operations and matrix multiplications to be decoded.
            Another strength of the paper is the proposal to use multicast layering
    to control congestion. An initial concern about a protocol such as a
    digital fountain that would be continuously multicasting would be that
    it would consume a lot of bandwidth. But through the use of
    "synchronization points" marked periodically in the stream, the paper
    claims that the protocol shares bandwidth in a fashion comparable to TCP.
            The paper could be improved by comparing various Tornado codes with
    other Tornado codes. Most of the comparisons of the paper are between
    Tornado codes and Reed-Solomon codes. It would be interesting to see,
    within the Family of Tornado codes, what the impact of trading off
    decoding inefficiency and decoding time would be.
            The paper mentions applying Tornado codes to disperisty routing of data
    and to more effectively mirror data. Another interesting application of
    the digital fountain approach might be to see how it could be applied to
    peer-to-peer networks where different peers could coordinate sending
    non-redundant packets to each other.

  • Next message: Pravin Bhat: "Review3-PravinBhat"

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