
From: Pravin Bhat (
Date: Mon Oct 11 2004 - 00:42:28 PDT

  • Next message: Charles Reis: "Review 3"

    Paper summary: The paper formalizes an 'ideal' multicast protocol, or a
    digital-fountain, that serves bulk-data of any size to innumerable
    clients while maintaining optimal efficiency in the presence of high
    rates. The paper also presents a new state-of-art approximation of this
    protocol using Torando-codes and provides a rigorous comparison to an
    approximation based on Reed-Solomon codes.

    The paper formally defines an 'ideal' multicast protocol for bulk-data
    serves as a tool for comparing real-world approximations of this ideal.

    The paper provides a detailed description of a new approximation
    using Torando-codes. This approximation in comparison to its, then
    state-of-the-art, counter-part is scalable with respect to file-size and
    client-count; it is resilient to high loss rates and burst-errors; and it
    more efficient in terms of encoding-decoding speed and minimizing the
    ratio of
    distinct packets to total packets received.

    The paper is successful in providing a near exhaustive comparison of its
    proposed protocol to the Reed-Solomon code based protocol. The authors
    the respective efficiencies of the two protocols in the face of changing
    file-size, clients, packet-drop rates, etc. The authors further strengthen
    analysis by using trace-data to simulate packet-losses in real-world
    Their analysis makes a strong case for Torando-codes as the superior
    choice for
    real-world scenarios.

    Limitations and Areas for improvement:
    - Since a Tornado codes are randomly generated and depend on the
    number-of-packets (file-size), the client has to obtain the tornado-graph
    topology for every unique file/file-size. In contrast the Reed-Solomon
    codes can
    be deterministic.
    - The authors do not provide the computational costs of constructing an
    efficient Tornado-code for a given file-size. Also of relevance is the
    of whether or not this process is fully automated which has major
    for digital-fountains that host large repositories.
    - The decoding-efficiency is partly dependant on the packet-loss pattern
    it.s not a fixed quantity. The authors have not provided a mathematical
    of this dependency. This makes the overall performance analysis a lot

    Relevance: The work is quite relevant today as it provides a practical
    that can replace redundant point-to-point connections with a single
    connection. As the internet increasingly becomes the popular choice of
    medium for
    media-distributors, works like this will be essential in managing our
    limited resources.

    Future Work:
    - Dispersity routing: The network capacity is usually computed to be .
    latency * bandwidth of the .best. route from source to destination. Since
    digital-fountains for bulk-data are not affected by packet-ordering and
    tend to
    be robust in the presence of high drop rates . a network can be better
    by flooding k-best routes from source to destination with tornado packets;
    increasing the network capacity to: number-of-routes * average-latency *

    - Mirrored data-sources: The protocol could be optimized to increase
    in the presence of duplicate/mirrored multicasts. P2P file-sharing
    applications could
    similarly speed-up file downloads if several participating machines are
    hosting the
    requested file.

  • Next message: Charles Reis: "Review 3"

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