A Digital Fountain Approach to the Reliable Distribution of Bulk Data

From: Danny Wyatt (danny@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Sun Oct 10 2004 - 23:32:21 PDT

  • Next message: Seth Cooper: "Review of "A Digital Fountain Approach to Reliable Distribution of Bulk Data""

    A Digital Fountain Approach to the Reliable Distribution of Bulk Data
    John W. Byers, Michael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher, Ashutsoh Rege

    This paper presents a method for using erasure codes to improve the
    efficiency of multicast data distribution and evaluates the performance
    of one family of codes---Tornado codes---in such a system. They
    delineate 2 primary trade-off dimensions on which to evaluate to
    performance: encoding/decoding time and decoding inefficiency. They
    show that Tornado codes outperform Reed -Solomon codes when measured
    only in encoding/decoding time for an entire message. And they show
    that, after holding both methods equal on one dimension, Tornado codes
    also outperform Reed-Solomon over interleaved blocks in the other
    dimension. The intended effect of that experiment is to show that no
    matter how the trade-off is managed with R-S codes, Tornado codes will
    always outperform them.

    I thought this paper did a great job backing up its claims with
    empirical results. They defined their variables well and devised
    experiments to cover them and beyond---making sure to try "realistic"
    simulated data with bursty errors, to vary the size of the file being
    distributed, the probability of packet loss, and the number of
    receivers. Indeed, if the papers suffers it is from one experiment too
    many. The final experiment showing the prototype implementation could
    have stood on its own without the addition of layering.

    That said, it leads to my final thought. Not knowing what was state of
    the art in networking when this paper was written, I can only assume
    that they had to address layering lest they be accused of ignoring a
    current technique. Similarly, I take it on faith that interleaved block
    Reed-Solomon was also the state of the art for bulk distribution. Their
    results are convincing to me, but only if they've picked a "worthy
    adversary", as it were, for all of their comparisons.

  • Next message: Seth Cooper: "Review of "A Digital Fountain Approach to Reliable Distribution of Bulk Data""

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