Microarray Reading
Find and read a good paper on microarrays emphasizing computational,
statistical and/or mathematical analysis.
Email me a link and/or citation to the paper you read, together with
a few sentences about it. E.g., highlight one or two things from it
that you found especially interesting or surprising, either about
the biology or computational approaches, critique it from either
perspective, and/or suggest a logical extension to the work that
would be a good next step.
You may pick a paper from anywhere, including ones
I talked about in class. The links on the
Homework 1 and
Homework 2
pages may also be useful. Here are others; in particular, the
bibliography in 1 below is quite extensive, and 2 identifies some widely
cited papers (but hasn't been updated in a year). If you've never
used PubMed,
I'd recommend it. (In general, I don't recommend CiteSeer for his
course; it tends to run a little too far on the CS side of the
- Bibliography on Microarray Data Analysis
Science Citation analysis on microarray papers using the HISTCITE program by Eugene Garfield
As I did last week, I'll post interesting additions.
Pease Note:
To simplify the chore of editing your answers for the web, please
format your email as follows:
- authors, title
- URL, if any
- citation: journal, date, pages
- your remarks
- clearly separate any remarks aimed just at me, so I can
easily omit them.