hw7b: Final Project Checkpoint

Last revised: November 14, 2023




The goal of your final project is to build an accessibility technology or make an existing technology more accessible. This phase is when your group develops slides for your checkpoints with course staff.

Learning Goals / Competencies

You will need to define this homework’s learning goals, but the following are expectations even if you’ve already reached competency.


To complete this assignment you will need to do the following

1. Refine Project Definition

You may need to update other aspects of your project because of group formation or feedback from the instructors. In addition, your project needs to have additional components it did not have before, and we will be breaking some things up to ask for more detail.

  1. update What will you do?
  2. update What is your evidence for why this is needed? Includes your first person evidence and your disability justice analysis.
  3. new Why don’t we have this already? To answer this you will need to look at what we do have and explain why your idea isn’t already solved
  4. new Provide technical details. How will you achieve your goals? What software/platforms will you use? What will you do yourself?
  5. update How will you validate your idea
  6. update Why is this feasible (timeline, etc)

2. Write an Accessible Slide Deck and Present to Staff

Include one slide for each of the points above. Also include a title slide with your team members on it (or yourself if you are working solo)

You may want to decide who will take part in the presentation based on who needs to improve their accessible presentation competency.


Turn in is individual as competencies are assessed and submitted individually. Please include

Note that for each competency, you will need to meet the requirements of the rubric for that competency