

This course provides an introduction to the quantum model of computation, surveying a number of examples where quantum computation provides an advantage over classical computation such as efficiently factoring large numbers, simulating the interactions of large molecules, and generating certifiably random numbers.

Since large scale quantum computers still do not exist, we will view ourselves mainly as “quantum tourists”, who would like to see the sights, gain an appreciation for the topic, and have fun. It is not our goal to produce new quantum researchers (although the content covered would be a great start for that).

As a TA add-on: have fun! I know it sounds cheesy, but seriously: quantum is about more than just specific applications. It's asking the question - what is a computer? What happens if we change the premise of computation - can we solve harder problems?

Even if you don't walk away interested in quantum algorithms (though I sorely hope you do!), I hope we can explore computing together.

Approximate Topics

The first two thirds of this course will cover the "classics" of quantum computing:

  • Quantum model of computation
  • Entanglement
  • Quantum circuits and gates
  • Standard quantum algorithms
  • Hamiltonian simulation
  • Basic quantum complexity classes

The final third of this course will cover additional topics, primarily ones that I think are fun or interesting. These may include:

  • Diagrammatic reasoning: alternatives to linear algebra for analyzing quantum circuits
  • Non-local games: computational problems involving multiple parties, where quantum machines often have provable advantages
  • Classical simulation of quantum circuits: proving that some quantum circuits are not more powerful than classical ones
  • Advanced quantum algorithms: the hidden subgroup problem


The course will assume familiarity with basic linear algebra and probability. See this document for a list of facts from linear algebra that will be used in the early lectures.

If you encounter an unfamiliar fact from these areas during the course, feel free to ask the staff for an explanation (or a reference containing one). Do not worry if that happens once or twice during the course. However, if basic topics like linear independence (from linear algebra) or independent events (from probability) are unclear, this course may not be a good fit for you at this time.


The (optional) textbook for the course is the following:

  • Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael Nielsen and Isaa Chuang, 10th anniversary Ed., Cambridge University Press, 2011.

There will not be any assigned readings or problems from the textbook. However, it covers most of the material that we will discuss in the first two thirds of the course and should be the first place you turn for an alternative (or more in-depth) presentation of that material.



Each lecture will be pre-recorded. The recordings should usually be available 24 hours before the date of the lecture on the calendar so that every student has an opportunity to watch it beforehand.

The live portion of each lecture will be an opportunity for students to ask questions about the lecture material. This portion will also be recorded and posted on Canvas.


Homework will include of (most likely) eight assignments, with at least a one week given to complete each assignment. These assignments will consist of:

  • 5 written assignments, as you would find in a math class

  • 3 “coding” assignments, as you would find in a CS class

The latter will not be ordinary coding but rather programming of a quantum simulator. They should not be as challenging as what you would see in other CS classes.


We will also ask students in the course to participate by submitting their own written notes for (part of) one lecture. We will make these available on the course web site to help other students understand that topic.

We will post a sign-up sheet during the first week of the quarter, where students can pick the date for which they would like to take notes. At most two students can sign up for the same lecture.

The notes should be completed within one week of the date of that lecture. They will be graded on a credit / no credit basis.


There will be no exams in this course. The final coding assignment will be given extra weight and considered a “final project”. As a result, this may include some additional components such as a write-up of some kind.



You should expect and demand to be treated with respect by your classmates and the course staff. You belong here, and we are here to help you learn and enjoy a challenging course. If any incident occurs that challenges this commitment to a supportive and inclusive environment, please let the instructor know so the issue can be addressed.


Your overall grade will be determined roughly as follows (subject to change):

70% Homework assignments
15% Final Project
15% Participation (lecture notes)

Students are expected to complete all homework assignments. Students who receive no (or essentially no) credit for an assignment risk failing. Outside of those circumstances, failing the course is highly unusual.

Grades of “incomplete” are reserved for situations covered by the UW policy.

Late Policy

In general, we expect work to be submitted on time. Late work is allowed provided that it is authorized in advance, at least 30 hours before the due date, with exceptions made only for extenuating circumstances (e.g., serious illness).


Collaboration is encouraged for written assignments. However, you must (1) list your collaborators and (2) write up your own solution — not copy from someone else.

In particular, we recommend that, if you do work with others, you follow these rules:

  1. Do not take away any record of the solution you found together.

  2. Wait at least 30 minutes before you write up your solution.

Coding assignments are to be completed individually.

Academic Integrity

Any attempt to misrepresent the work you submit will be dealt with via the appropriate University mechanisms, and your instructor will make every attempt to ensure the harshest allowable penalty. The guidelines for this course and more information about academic integrity are in a separate document. You are responsible for knowing the information in that document.