
We are using Zoom to conduct office hours and lecture Q&A sessions during the quarter.

Zoom is a separate application that you will need to install before using. You must have an account to use it. However, all UW faculty, staff, and students have Zoom Pro accounts already created for them as of early March.

Tutorial videos and other useful information about using Zoom are available on this page. In short, once you have installed the application, you should be able to log into Zoom by clicking on the "SSO" login option, which will direct you to a UW web page to sign in using your UW NetID.

Office Hours

While quiz sections and the lecture Q&A sessions are large group meetings, office hours are intended to be one-on-one discussions with a staff member. When you join the meeting, you are "waiting in line" for your turn. When the host is free, they will "let you in to the meeting" and then you will have a one-on-one video chat with them.

In more detail:

  1. When you click on the link you will see a message like "Please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon".

  2. As soon as the TA is free, they will let you into the meeting and you should see them on video!

Depending on the device you are using, you can use camera, voice, text chatting, and screen sharing to get your question answered.