CSE 490q

This course provides an introduction to the quantum model of computation, surveying a number of examples where quantum computation provides an advantage over classical computation such as efficiently factoring large numbers, simulating the interactions of large molecules, and generating certifiably random numbers.


Instructor: Kevin Zatloukal (kevinz at cs)

TAs: Christopher Kang (ck32 at cs), Andres Paz (anpaz at cs)

Contact Info: Please use the message board whenever possible. The answer to your question is likely to be helpful to others in the class, and by using the discussion board, it will be available to them as well. For grading or other private matters, you will get the fastest response by sending email to cse490q-staff at cs, which will reach both the instructor and TAs.


All course activities will take place online.

Pre-Recorded Lectures: Part of each lecture will be pre-recorded and posted two days before the live portion of the lecture. These videos will be linked on the lecture list and calendar.

Live Lecture Q&A: The live Q&A portion of each lecture will take place at 1:30-2:20pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday via Zoom video. A link to the Zoom meeting for the live lectures is available on our Canvas page.

Office Hours: Meeting via video at various times throughout the week, see the calendar for details. Times and links to the Zoom meetings will be available on our Canvas page. Additional times can also be made by appointment.

If you are new to Zoom, please see the Zoom information page.