January | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
New Year's Day
03 | 04 | 05
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 Choosing projects - discussion |
06 |
09 | 10 | 11
12:00-13:30 dub MobileAccessibility: Bridge to the World for Blind, Low-Vision, and Deaf-Blind People
Art 236 dub calendar |
12:00-13:30 change: Ted McCarthy on screen reader use among the visually impaired in India
CSE 203 Change group |
13 |
Martin Luther King Day
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 No regular class today. Field trip to Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind postponed due to snow. |
18 | 19
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 UW closed - Snow Day! |
20 |
23 | 24
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 Team meetings 10:30-11:00; Android programming help session for remaining class time (send questions and topics to Shiri) |
25 | 26
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 Team meetings |
27 |
30 | 31
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 Team meetings |
01 | 02
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 Peggy Martinez, Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind |
03 |
February | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
06 | 07
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 no class (Alan and Shiri in DC) |
08 | 09 | 10 |
13 | 14
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 Team meetings (Alan at CSCW Conference - Shiri here though) |
15 | 16
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 Team meetings |
17 |
Presidents Day
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 Team meetings (Alan out of town - Shiri here though) |
22 | 23
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 User feedback session with Debbie Cook - meet at her office, South CHDD Building, room 104 at 10:30am map |
24 |
27 | 28
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 Team meetings |
29 | 01
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 Team meetings |
02 |
March | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
05 | 06
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 Poster reviews, team meetings |
07 | 08
10:30-11:50 Class
CSE 403 Final project demonstrations; course evaluations |
13:00-16:00 Poster printing office hours
CSE 494 |
10:30-12:20 Poster Session in Gates Commons
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |