Posters should be 40" wide and 32" tall, as these will be easier to read. Do not use a font size smaller than 28 points. The amount of text should be minimal, with pictures (including captions that can be read by people who are blind or low-vision). There are templates on the Poster Template Wiki and the older Large Color Printer - Templates pages. Your poster should have a title, list of team members, and at least these sections: (i) problem description, (ii) example of use, (iii) description of solution, and (iv) future work. You should include acknowledgements to your mentor and others who helped you. The poster should contain the UW and CSE logos and a mention that the project is for the “Accessibility Capstone Design Course, Winter Quarter 2012.” There is a poster review in class on March 6th -- the instructor and TA will give you feedback on your draft poster.
We'll provide information on how to print your poster at a later time.
You'll show your poster in the poster session on March 12. In addition, include a link to the pdf for your poster as part of your project website.
Papers should use the two column archival ACM format. Templates for both Microsoft Word and latex are available. Please prepare a pdf file, and make sure it is accessible! The ACM ASSETS Conference website has recommendations for creating accessible pdf files.
The paper should be at most 4 pages and include the following sections: (i) abstract; (ii) introduction, describing the intended users, purpose of the project, and use cases; (iii) related work, including books, papers, and products related to your project; (iv) description of the solution (subsections may be needed); (v) future work; (vi) references. Your paper may need additional sections. Papers are due by 10 pm on March 16th, turned in as part of the project website.
The videos should be approximately 3-4 minutes, demonstrating the accessibility application and its use. Videos are due by 10pm on Friday, March 16th, again turned in as part of the project website.
Include a zip file with the code for your project on your project website.
To provide a permanent (or at least very long-term) record of your project for future classes, members of the accessibility community, and others, create a project website. The website should include your report, poster, video, and code, and any other material you think is useful. We've created subdirectories for each team to use for its website, in the directory /cse/courses/cse481h/12wi/. Each subdirectory has a separate unix group, with the team members set as group members. You can access these directories from the instructional linux or windows machines. They are linked from the main course page website. Hint: make sure all your files have the group write bit set -- then all members of your team can edit them as needed.
If you want a different name for your project in the list on the CSE 481h home page or a different name for the directory, let the instructor know (since you won't be able to edit these yourselves).
As examples of what you can do, see the HCI course project websites for Autumn 2011 (except that these pages are not necessarily accessible).
The website, along with everything else, is due March 16 at 10pm. We'll take a snapshot of the websites at that time for grading (although you can keep fixing things if you want for the long-term record). We strongly recommend that you create a draft of your website well before then -- don't wait until the last minute to make sure you can access the directory and that the pages show up correctly.
Your websites should be accessible. The UW DO-IT program has a nice set of guidelines on designing accessible websites.
Optional: the pdf for your report should of course be accessible. However, blind people often find straight html more convenient, so if you want, provide both pdf and html versions of your report.