Group Members
Update 1
Update 2
Project Report

Design Strategy

Here is a basic overview of the Laser Mouse Project.  We have a picture with the major components, followed by high level details of those components and their interaction.  We discuss any constraints and design decisions as we discuss the components.




    The computer drives the projector, such that whatever is on the computer screen is what is shown on the projection screen.  This is standard projector functionality that is readily available.

    The computer also interfaces with the FPGA through the PS/2 Port.  The FPGA will determine the laser pointer coordinates and use them to drive the mouse pointer on the computer screen.

    We will use a laptop for this project, because it is easily transportable, and is often used in giving presentations.  The laptop must have a PS/2 port, and must run Windows.  


Projector & Projection Screen

    The projector and projection screen will be of any type available to us.  We will use either those installed in many classrooms in the EE1 building, or any that we can check out from classroom services.  

    Our only requirements are that the projector will connect to our laptop, and project the image onto a screen.


Laser Pointer

      The laser pointer can be any standard red laser pointer.  We will determine further requirements for the laser as we know more.  We are currently discussing technical aspects of laser pointers currently available which include laser beam focusing, buttons, and laser flashing functionality.



    The camera will constantly monitor the projection screen, and will send an image of this screen to the FPGA at a determined interval.  

    We will be using the RoboCam RC Camera by Spectronix.  We chose this camera because it was available in the hardware lab, and previous work with this camera has been done at UW.  This camera meets our design constraint for size, as it is small enough to be mounted with a projector.  



    The FPGA is the 'Brains of our Operation'.  It will be the central control module of the Laser Mouse Project.  It will take the images supplied by the camera and determine where the 'laser mouse' is.   It will send these coordinates to the computer through the PS/2 port, which will drive the mouse on the laptop.  

    We will use the XESS board with the Xilinx FPGA, and the 8051 micro controller.  We chose this board as we all have experience with it from previous classes, and it is readily available in the lab.  The Xilinx FPGA must be able to process the image from the camera, determine the laser pointer coordinates, and send that data to the computer in real time.  




Copyright Group B, CSE 477, Spring '00.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact cse477-groupb@cs.washington.edu.
Last updated: April 09, 2000.