Group Members
Update 1
Update 2
Project Report

Project Schedule

This page contains our Project Implementation Plan & Schedule, and Division of Labor.


Project Implementation Plan & Schedule

Week 4 -- Get the Camera Working and Interfaced to the FPGA


Week 5 -- Obtain Laser Pointer coordinates from camera image and use ‘crosshair’ to display on monitor and calibrate


Week 6 -- Send mouse coordinates to laptop via PS/2 port


Week 7 – Work on mapping between camera pixels, laptop pixels, and projection screen pixels.  Work on steadying mouse movements on projected screen


Week 8 – Add buttons to laser interface for standard mouse click

Week 9 – Flex Time and Final Project Documentation

Week 10 – Flex Time and Final Project Demo


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Division of Labor

We will all be working on this together for now.  We will work on the division of labor as the project progresses and we learn more about the parts.

UPDATE:  We have roughly divided up parts as follows, although we are all still involved with all pieces of the project:

    ANH:  Anh's new life goal is to work on the PS/2 Port, and sending / receiving data through it.  He really likes Mice (even Mickey! :) )

    REBEKAH:  Rebekah's life's work is turning towards finding and following the brightest spot in the camera picture.  She's also super excited to work on the I2C bus between the microcontroller and the FPGA.  So excited, she's jumping up and down right now.

    ANITA:  Anita's new goal:  'Must have button.  Must have button.'  She's also been updating the web page, although she's had some help from her group lately when she forgot to do it on time.  Thanks, Guys! :)

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Copyright Group B, CSE 477, Spring '00.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact cse477-groupb@cs.washington.edu.
Last updated: May 02, 2000.