Group Members
Update 1
Update 2
Project Report



    Our project, Laser Mouse, gives the user the ability to control a mouse on a projection screen using a laser pointer.  It contains six major components:  a laser pointer, a projector, a projection screen, a camera, an FPGA, and a laptop.  The laptop is connected to the projector, which displays the laptop screen on to the projection screen.  The camera will constantly monitor the projection screen for movement of the laser pointer on the screen.  When movement from the laser pointer is detected, the FPGA will drive the mouse on the laptop, through the PS/2 mouse port.  

    The Laser Mouse project will be useful in many situations.  For instance, professors and presenters at seminars will now be able to control their presentation on the projection screen without being constrained by the location of the laptop.  The laser pointer will also have an extra button which will allow the user to simulate a mouse click, thereby enabling remote interaction with programs running on their laptop.  

    There are many additional applications of the Laser Mouse.  One useful application that Laser Mouse could interface with is Palm Pilot Graffiti.  This would give the user the ability to annotate presentations with words, simply by using the Laser Mouse pointer.  


Copyright Group B, CSE 477, Spring '00.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact cse477-groupb@cs.washington.edu.
Last updated: April 09, 2000.