CSE 466 Final Project - Accelerometer Driven Car
by Kelvin Lau and Mike Quinn

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Using the Stepper Motor

Stepper motors operate by way of motor drivers, which induces current within the motors.  And at each pulse, the stepper moves 1 "step".  The advantage with stepper motors is that it can rotate in either direction with ease.  The big disadvantage with stepper motors is that torque becomes an issue, which was what we ran into.

Because the torque was relatively weak, the motor was limited to move at slow speeds to ensure that the motor doesn't slip.  If we ramped up the speed too quickly, the belt will slip off the motor, and the car will stay idle.  If we ramped the speed well, but the speed was too fast, it too would slip.  Thus, we decided to keep the max speed to be approximately the speed of a baby's crawl.