CSE 466 Final Project - Accelerometer Driven Car
by Kelvin Lau and Mike Quinn

Home | Accelerometer Use | Servo Use | Building Car | Problems Faced

Building The Car

Building the car was probably the most fun part of the project.  Luckily the lab was equipped with plenty of Legos.  There was only two critical parts to constructing the Lego car.  First, it had to have a gear driven axle so that the stepper motor could turn the wheels, and second, it must allow a servo to turn the front wheels.

Both of these critical parts of the car were easily constructed.  Please see the various pictures of our car to get a better idea of how the car was constructed. 

In the end the car was not very stable.  We recommend building the car with a stronger set of components if you plan on having the car last for any significant amount of time.