TD Assignment 1: Advanced Lighting By Zhi Chen and Kendal Sager - CSE 459 - Winter 2008

TD Assignment 4: Advanced Rigging & Skinning

Cse459 Preproduction for Digital Animation

Assignment: Advanced Rigging & Skinning
Due Date: Wednesday, Feb 6@ 11:59pm

Assignment Introduction

You will be using the file that you created last week in this tutorial. The tutorials that you will be using are abridged versions of various professional tutorials and techniques that have previously been used in this class, so look back to the original texts if you would like a more in depth description of what should be happening.


Please go through the tutorials in the order listed below:

NEW! Now with time estimates! Hooray! This assumes that you are working in a focused environment with minimal distractions and minimal errors. Troubleshooting your work can always take a lot more time, so please start early.




Grading Criteria