Advanced Rigging

Eye Controls


This tutorial is an eye set up made by Kendal. It is quick and simple. Hooray!


Making an Eye Control

  1. Create two locators
  2. Rename them l_eye_anim and r_eye_anim.
  3. Place one in front of each eye (about 10 units in the z direction, use the front view to position the locator exactly in front of the eye ball).
  4. Freeze transformations on the locators when they are positioned.
  5. Unhide the eyes, click on each eye seperately and click Modify > Center Pivot.
  6. Click on l_eye_anim and then l_eye_geo. Click Constrain > Aim. Make sure that Maintain Offset is on.
  7. Rinse and repeat on the other side :)

Clean Up

  1. Parent the locators to head_anim
  2. Group the eye geos together into a group called eye_geo
  3. Duplicate eye_geo and call the new group eye_geo_pos.
  4. Delete the children of eye_geo_pos.
  5. Parent eye_geo_pos to head_anim
  6. Parent constrain eye_geo to eye_geo_pos.
  7. Parent eye_geo to doNotTouch_grp.