- 3/31/09 Introduction (ppt) (pdf)
- 4/2/09 Information Retrieval Basics (ppt) (pdf)
Reading: Introduction to Information Retrieval by Manning, Raghavan and Schutze.
- 4/6/09 Machine Learning I. (Mausam) (ppt) (pdf)
Reading: Naïve Bayes and
Nearest Neighbor by Brand and Gerritsen
- 4/8/09 Machine Learning II. (Jesse Davis) (ppt) (pdf)
Reading: Cross validation, Ensembles.
- 4/14/09 Information Extraction (ppt) (pdf)
- 4/16/09 Hidden Markov Models (ppt) (pdf)
Reading: Viterbi
Algorithm (Decoding) at Wikipedia; Baum Welch
Algorithm (Learning) at Wikipedia.
- 4/21/09 No Class (instead, individual group meetings)
- 4/23/09 Parsing & POS Tagging (Chloe Kiddon) (pptx) (pdf)
- 4/28/09 HTTP, Crawlers, Servers (ppt) (pdf)
Reading: Mercator: A Scalable, Extensible
Web Crawler, Allan Heydon and Mark Najork, Compaq SRC, June
1999. Lessons from Giant-Scale
Services by Eric Brewer, IEEE Computer, 2001.
- 4/30/09 WebTables (Mike Cafarella) (ppt)
Reading: Webtables (VLDB-08)
and Octopus (CIDR-09)
- 5/5/09 Internet Advertising (Mike Mathieu) (pptx)
Reading: Kohavi
et al. "Controlled experiments on the Web: survey and practical guide."
- 5/7/09 No Class (instead, individual group meetings)
- 5/12/09 Open Information Extraction: Bootstrapping & Self-Supervision
- 5/14/09 Search Engines: Indexing
Google Case Study
Reading: The Anatomy of a Large-Scale
Hypertextual Web Search Engine, Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page,
Stanford University, 1999. An extended version of the WWW-98 paper.
- 5/19/09 Search Engines: Altavista Case Study
Pagerank and Link Analysis
Link Analysis, Eigenvectors and Stability,
A. Ng, A. Zheng, and M. Jordan. IJCAI-01.
Efficient Computation of Pagerank T.
- 5/21/09 Cryptographic Methods for Secure Web Communication (Josh Benaloh)
- 5/26/09 No Class (Group Meetings)
- 5/28/09 Personalizing Search (Jaime Teevan)
- 6/2/09 Searching the Dyanmic Web (Eytan Adar)
Review & Human Computation