Steam-powered Turing Machine University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE454 Project Description
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Projects are a very large component of 454. In the past we've had students build a complete crawler from scratch. One year teams built a specialized webcam-crawler & search engine. Last year, the focus was oninformation extraction.

This time we offer a choice. Students who have a strong desire to do a self-defined project should see the instructor ASAP, but the default project will be to build a novel shopping-related search engine, specifically one that summarizes product reviews. Since this is a complex undertaking, we'll break it into pieces. Before we get started, here are some notes on Specifications, end-of-term in-class Presentations and Final Reports

Problem Component 1: The first project component will be to use supervised machine learning (Naive Bayes) to build a document classifier. Details are here. This component is due 4/14/09 before class. Proposals for the remainder of your project are due at the same time. Please do your best to include all the information requested.

Meetings: Each group should sign up for the third 1-1 meeting with Dan during one of the slots listed here. Please request a slot by listing all time slots which could possibly work, in your desired order, via email to weld at cs.

End of Quarter "Deliverables"

Here are some tips on your project presentations, and also instructions for your final reports.


Project Groups

CSE logo Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX