Assignment 1.3: Final Proposal

Due: Wednesday, January 15, 11:59pm

This assignment is a component of Milestone 1. Be sure you have reviewed that larger context for this assignment.

The goal of this assignment is to propose and analyze a problem that will form the basis of a design project for this class. You should build upon the critique you have received from peers and course staff. Although your project will iterate and evolve from this point, your group should have coalesced around an idea.

In one paragraph, describe the design problem and motivation. State what the problem is and why it is a problem, or describe an opportunity to enhance an existing practice or approach. Provide enough detail to convince a reader this is a difficult and interesting problem, worth spending a quarter considering.

In another paragraph, analyze the idea to give more background and context to convey how your project might evolve to be compelling. Do not just focus on negative aspects of the current situation, but also identify some positive aspects that may be beneficial to retain. A few salient examples from existing systems or practices could be used to support those claims. If appropriate, you may conduct this analysis by describing a scenario that illustrates how someone might encounter and resolve the problem.

If there are already well-known and widely-available solutions to your idea, explain how these existing solutions fall short or suggest how you may explore a different approach.

Group Submission Required

Submitting a finalized project proposal as part of a group is a requirement for proceeding in the class.


Due: Wednesday, January 15, 11:59pm

Within the Drive folder for course project files:

  • Identify the Slides deck corresponding to this assignment for your group. The deck provides a template for this assignment. Edit the deck in-place, so that you can easily share it in critique.

  • Prepare a Slides deck with the following structure:

    Proposal Critique

    • For each proposal from Assignment 1.2 (3 total):
      • 1/2 slide: Description of the proposal.
      • 1/2 slide: Overview of critique you received.

    Final Proposal

    • 1 slide: A revised or new description of the proposal.
    • 1 slide: Analysis, background, or context for this proposal.

Reminders and requirements:

  • Submission via Canvas is also required, in support of grading.

    • Remove instruction slides and template markings from your deck before submission.

    • Export a PDF of your deck, via the menu: File -> Download -> PDF Document (.pdf).

  • This is a group submission. Ensure your section and names of all group participants are appropriately clear.

  • Review and follow guidance on Clarity and Presentation.

The Drive folder for course project files is here:

Submit via Canvas here:

In Class

Be prepared to further brainstorm around your proposed idea, as a step toward planning design research to inform your design process.

Completion Grading

This assignment will be graded on completion of 4 components:

  1. Problem and Motivation:

    Provide enough detail to convince the reader that this is a difficult and interesting problem, worth spending a quarter considering.

  2. Analysis of Problem:

    Give enough background and context to convey how your project might evolve to be compelling.

  3. Novelty and Creativity:

    If there are already well-known and widely-available solutions to your proposed idea, explain how these existing solutions fall short or suggest how you may explore a different approach.

  4. Clarity and Presentation

Prior Samples

Samples are also intended only to illustrate a variety of approaches, and were not selected to be ideal or exemplary.