
Course assignments consist of:

Clarity and Presentation

Ensure all submissions are appropriately clear and easy to read. This includes:

  • Text should be clear and concise.
  • Use section headings as appropriate.
  • Include images in the body of the write-up, with figure numbers and captions as appropriate.
  • Refer to the figures in the body of your text.
  • Check for typos, spelling, and grammar errors.

Be sure your presentation looks good:

  • Choose appropriate colors, fonts, and styles.
  • Make appropriate and liberal use of whitespace.
  • Ensure images are high-quality.

Images do not count against page limits, and are therefore effectively free. You should embed images throughout your PDF, keeping them near the text that references them. Page limits apply to the approximate amount of text you would have if all images were removed.

Contribution Statements

Please discuss and submit a personal contribution statement every time that you submit a group assignment. Include this contribution statement at the top of your submission, along with the names of your group members. Please note that we will not grade submissions where this statement is missing.

An example contribution statement is:

  • Name 1: 40%, researched the background of the problem, outlined the content of the document, wrote the first version of one paragraph, also selected the images to be included
  • Name 2: 10%, proof-read the PDF, fixed several typos
  • Name 3: 25%, wrote the first version of the background section, made sure the final version got submitted
  • Name 4: 25%, organized the group meeting, researched the background of the problem, contributed to the formatting of the text

Please know that we do not expect everyone to contribute equally to each assignment, but you should try to work as a team and support each other. Likewise, you should work together as a team when discussing each other's contributions. Please come to us early if you are dealing with unresolved issues regarding unequal contributions. During the quarter, we may solicit private feedback regarding group dynamics from members.