About Memedicine

Task 1:

You want to add a new medication to memedicine.

-Click "Task 1".
-Click the main screen button with the medicine bottle on it.
-Click "Prescription" since that's the kind of medication you are adding.
-Assume you have centered the QR code and the app automatically processes it - click the image to continue.
-Press confirm - yes, you would like to add this medication!

Task 2:

You'd like to change the alarms on Loratadrine - 3PM is much more convenient than 2PM.

-Click "Task 2".
-Click the main screen button with an alarm on it.
-Click "Loratadrine" since we want to edit that.
-Click the second alarm, the one we want to change.
-Click 2 or 3 to "scroll" it.
-Click "Save Changes".

Task 3:

Memedicine is all set up - now you are taking medicine!

-Click "Task 3".
-You aren't sure how to take Loratadrine... so click the "?" button!
-Click "Taken" on Loratadrine after "taking" it.
-Click "Taken" on Eyedroppi after "taking" it.