About Memedicine

Memedicine is a mobile application that helps you keep track of what medications you are taking, and reminds you of when and how to take them!

     What is Memedicine?

When a doctor prescribes medication, he or she does so expecting that you, the patient, will follow the given dosage instructions. When the medicine is taken the incorrect way, or at incorrect intervals, the medicine can be ineffective or even detrimental to your health. Memedicine is a mobile application that will remind you when to take your medicine, everywhere you go!


Scanning your medication into Memedicine uploads all information into the app, so that you can have all your information in one place. Based on this info, it will let you set an appropriate number of alarms to remind you to take your medicine. When the alarm goes off, Memedicine will show you directions on how to take your medicine. Never forget to take your medication again!

     Design Process

Our team developed the Memedicine application design through multiple iterations of user study and design revising. The following documents show our progress throughout the course of the ten weeks from the project proposal to our final interactive prototype, paper and poster.

     About the Class

Memedicine was a class project for CSE 440: Introduction to HCI at the University of Washington in Spring 2011 by James Fogarty.