Design Process

PickUp was iteratively designed from the ideation phase through the implementation of an interactive prototype. A record of this design process is contained in the documents below.

Project Proposal

At the beginning of the course, two of our group members individually proposed projects with very similar goals in mind. These proposals subsequently merged to form PickUp.

[pdf a] [pdf b]

Contextual Inquiry

In order to understand the problems currently faced by our potential users, we began by conducting contextual inquiries to inform our design process and identified several themes and areas of focus for our work.

[pdf] [slides]

Task Analysis and Design Sketches

Given the findings of our contextual inquiry, we devised three scenarios under which our application could be used, and began to design an interface with those tasks in mind.


Video Prototype

We created a video prototype to demonstrate the use of PickUp in the aforementioned scenarios.

PickUp Video Prototype from Danny Swisher on Vimeo.


Low-Fidelity Prototype and User Testing

At this point, we created a paper prototype representing the entire PickUp interface, and proceeded to test it with three potential users.


Interactive Prototype

To demonstrate interaction with our application, we have created a fixed-path prototype.
