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    Software Tools

The software packages for this class are installed in the Math Sciences Computing Center . The download files provided here are only needed if you are doing the course work on some other system.

SPIM 6.3a simulator

We have a custom version of the SPIM simulator which has been extended to do file open/read/write/close. This extension is only available in the PC version of SPIM. (but see below!) This extended version is intended ONLY for use in CSE 410, Autumn 2001, and is not supported by anyone for any other use.

Download spim63aF0.zip and unzip it. A larger file containing all the sources including the mods to PCSpim is also available as spim63aF0-src.zip.

The official SPIM page has the original version of the program and other useful information.

Unix version now available! Rachel Richard of our 410 class has rehosted the extended version of SPIM and compiled it to run on Unix systems. It has not been extensively tested on many systems, but she has compiled and run XSPIM using both Red Hat x86 and on a Mac running Yellow Dog 2.0 w/ kernel 2.4.x.

Download spim-6.3aF1.tar.gz.

Note that there are apparently some differences in the flags that get passed to the file open call and so Rachel changed the flags in the skeleton. See filterBMP-skeleton-unix.s.

Context editor

In class, I am using the Context editor as a programming editor. This editor has a MIPS assembly language highlighter available.

The specific versions that I am using are available in ConTEXTsetup 0-96-3.exe and MIPSAssembler.chl.

The home page for the Context editor is here.

Windows 2000 Scheduling Tools and examples

The tools and example configurations that I am using in class are available in a zip file.

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