Retro prof in the lab University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE 378 Spring 2006
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 Lab 1: Single Cycle MIPS

This first lab is your chance to become familiar with the tools, learn the lingo, and get the workflow down. You will produce a single-cycle processor that implements a subset of the MIPS ISA that we have been covering in class.  The textbook describes the design of a single cycle processor on pages 285-315.  This is a good starting place for your design, but we'll be making a more functional processor.

Task Descriptions:

CSE 378:

Your processor should be capable of running the strcpy.s that you wrote for HW1. This requires a number of instructions that the basic implementation in the book doesn't cover.  To be precise, you must successfully implement the following instructions for full credit:

CSE 378-HW:

You must complete the task for CSE 378, with that additional proviso that your design must synthesize and load to the XUP.  To demonstrate that your processor works on the XUP board, you must write a program that cause the LEDs on the XUP board to blink in discernable manner. 

Getting Started:

Steve's suggested reading list:

Test ROM:


Please stay tuned



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