

Getting setup, refreshing CSE 143 concepts, and running unit tests.

Learning Goals

  • Refresh CSE 143 concepts and set the expectations for homework in CSE 373.

    This homework is an introduction to what we’ll be doing in this class: working with data structures and algorithms. Throughout this class, we will be implementing and using data structures that are similar to or build off of those introduced in CSE 143.

  • Set up IntelliJ and other systems we’ll use in this class (Java, GitLab, Git, Checkstyle).

    These tools (or very similar ones) are commonly used in industry and in everyday programming. Even if we don’t end up mastering these by the end of CSE 373, some familiarity and exposure will be helpful for future programming.

  • Learn how to use JUnit and run unit tests in IntelliJ.

    We’ll be using JUnit as a tool for communicating homework specifications and for grading, so it’s important to learn how to use it. Unit testing allows us to build confidence in the correctness of our code, especially as we work on larger and larger programs.


Your first assignment involves setting up the environment and a small programming portion: