Data Structures and Algorithms
University of Washington, Winter 2020
Week 10: Final Exam Cancelled & Other Updates
Thank you, everyone, for your patience and understanding as your course staff works through the logistics of UW’s shutdown. At a high level, our plan will be:
- Final exam: Cancelled, but see “Extra assignments”.
- HW8 (Seam Carving): No change, still due.
- Drop-in Times: Converting to online DITs starting next week; check @591 for logistics/updates.
- Workshops: Cancelled for the remainder of the quarter.
- Quiz Sections: Cancelled for the remainder of the quarter.
- Final review session: Cancelled.
- Lectures: Topics ended with RadixSorts. Monday and Wednesday lectures are pre-recorded videos for your enrichment, and Friday is an optional Q&A with Hannah.
- Extra assignments:
- A mandatory Gradescope assignment covering post-midterm topics. This will be released at 4:30pm on Monday, March 16th and is due at 4:30pm on Thursday, March 19th. The format will be similar to a reading quiz (ie, online only; question formats include multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, short-answer, and long-answer), except that you won’t receive immediate feedback about whether your answer is correct/incorrect.
- An optional Gradescope assignment covering the midterm topics. This optional assignment’s logistics (eg, format, timing, policies) are identical to the mandatory assignment except that it will be worth a small amount of post-curve extra-credit.
Regarding the extra assignment(s):
- The mandatory assignment is worth 5% of your final grade (equivalent to 5 QuickChecks or one programming homework). It will not materially change your grade; its purpose is to encourage you to review post-midterm materials and discuss these materials with others – not to stress you out. It may be helpful to think of this as a graded “final review packet” rather than as an assignment.
- Both assignments are open-book and open-collaboration. If you choose to work in groups, please list your group members (there is no group size limit) and turn in only one submission.
- You are not required to work in a group. Remember that the assignment’s purpose is to structure your review
- You may ask questions in Piazza and Drop-in Times.
- The optional assignment will increase your grade by a maximum of 0.1. So if you got a curved 3.0 for the course, the most this assignment will do is push you into a 3.1. The purpose of this assignment is to help students who felt they needed a final exam to “recover” from a bad quarter. Feel free to ignore this assignment if you’re not in that category; most folks will not need a “midterm review packet”.
As always, check Piazza for the latest announcements and updates. And don’t forget that HW8: Seam Carving is due at 9pm on Friday, March 20; we will not accept late submissions after this time.
All Topics
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Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
- Mo 01/27
Sets and Maps: Left-Leaning Red-Black Trees
- Tu 01/28
Due 9PM HW3: Autocomplete
Released HW4: Heap
- We 01/29
Priority Queues: Heaps
QuickCheck 4
- Th 01/30
Trees and Heaps
- Fr 01/31
Priority Queues: Heaps (cont); Multi-dimensional Data: Quad Trees
Week 5
- Mo 02/03
Multi-dimensional Data: k-d Trees; Hashing
- Tu 02/04
Released HW5: k-d Tree
- We 02/05
Sets and Maps: Hash Tables
QuickCheck 5
Due 9PM HW4: Heap
- Th 02/06
k-d Trees and Hashing
- Fr 02/07
Tree Traversals; Graph Traversals: DFS
Week 6
- Mo 02/10
Graph Representations; Graph Traversals: BFS; Shortest Paths: Dijkstra’s Algorithm
(No Reading), Slides
- Tu 02/11
Released HW6: A* Search
- We 02/12
Shortest Paths: A* Search; Design Decisions (mini-review)
No QuickCheck this week :)
- Th 02/13
- Fr 02/14
Due 9PM HW5: k-d Tree
Week 7
- Mo 02/17
Holiday Presidents Day (no lecture)
- Tu 02/18
Released HW7: HuskyMaps Server
- We 02/19
Graph Algorithms: Minimum Spanning Trees
QuickCheck 6
- Th 02/20
Graphs and Graph Algorithms
Due 9PM HW6: A* Search
- Fr 02/21
Graph Algorithms: Disjoint Sets
Week 8
- Mo 02/24
Prefix Operations: Tries
- We 02/26
Sorting: Topological Sort; Reductions
QuickCheck 7
- Th 02/27
Disjoint Sets, Topological Sort, and Tries
Released HW8: Seam Carving
- Fr 02/28
Sorting: Comparison Sorts: Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort
Due 9PM HW7: HuskyMaps Server
Week 9
Week 10
- Mo 03/09
Software Engineering
(No Reading), Panopto Video
- We 03/11
Guest Lecture A+ Advice for Getting a Software Job
(No Reading Quiz), Job Guide, Resume Guide, Panopto Video
No QuickCheck this week :)
- Th 03/12
No Section this week :)
- Fr 03/13
Wrapup, Q&A
(No Reading), Slides
Week 11
- Th 03/19
- Fr 03/20
Due 9PM HW8: Seam Carving
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